Brand colors and printing in CMYK: better safe than sorry
When designing a brand logo, you want it to reflect the brand, its values. And you want it to reflect these values every time the brand logo is reproduced. So you think about form and […]
When designing a brand logo, you want it to reflect the brand, its values. And you want it to reflect these values every time the brand logo is reproduced. So you think about form and […]
The Internet of Things (IoT) is gaining attention, especially now just after CES, the consumer electronics show. Internet connected devices were all over the place. And all kinds of studies show the growth potential. But […]
It’s 2017 and especially today we are fully aware of the fact that the world has changed. Significantly. And it shows in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust has imploded, that’s the very short summary. […]
In preparation of a future article, I should explain you the basic of color management. Don’t run away! The concept of ‘ICC based color management’ is not that difficult. But too many people can not […]
Last week I saw an interesting graph by eMarketer.com, showing ‘Trusted Information Sources’. It clearly shows that people trust print ads (in newspapers/magazines) much more than digital ads (on websites): 54% vs 16%… So why […]
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