An Implosion of Trust – what companies can and should do

It’s 2017 and especially today we are fully aware of the fact that the world has changed. Significantly. And it shows in the annual Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust has imploded, that’s the very short summary. But the Trust Barometer also has advice how to change the world for the better. And you, the CEO, the manager can be a part of that change.

At first sight it may seem just another study, but you should not underestimate the Edelman Trust Barometer. It gives a really good insight in how the world is evolving. The 2017 edition is based on an online survey with more than 33.000 people in 28 countries around the world. The survey questions people about the level of trust they have in government, NGO’s, businesses and the media. The first edition was in 2001, Edelman now has 17 years of data… which makes it a very valuable resource.

This overview shows the evolution of the Edelman Trust Barometer since the first edition in 2001.

Although the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer shows a rather negative  attitude, there are also hopeful messages. First of all the general conclusion: “With the people, not for the people”. A fundamental shift from the past, which results in the New Integrated Operating Model (slide 51 in the slideshow below).

But for businesses there is also a very important message: companies should do their share to build trust. And this shows in the survey results. These are the main action points for companies to build trust:

  • Treat employees well
  • Offer high-quality products/services
  • Listen to customers
  • Pay its fair share of taxes
  • Ethical business practices.

These are action points coming from people that have the feeling that the complete system is failing. People that don’t have trust anymore…
(see slide 45 in the slideshow below)

I can strongly advise you to check the complete presentation. I have included it below. And you can also check the Edelman website. 

Why is this important?
Trust is something that involves all of us. Both as a person and as a business. Both as a person who trusts others (and ‘the system’) and as a person that acts in such a way that shows trustworthiness. It is and always will be a bidirectional thing…


2017 Edelman Trust Barometer – Global Results
[slideshare id=71035413&doc=2017trustbarometerglobalreportfinalwotalktrack-170115180740]

2016 Edelman Trust Barometer
[slideshare id=62186667&doc=2016trustbarometerceotrustexecutiveposititioningfinal-160519135313]
2015 Edelman Trust Barometer
[slideshare id=43563686&doc=2015edelmantrustbarometerglobalresults-150115150833-conversion-gate01]
2014 Edelman Trust Barometer
[slideshare id=30141767&doc=2014trustbarometerbrochure-140117140017-phpapp02]
2013 Edelman Trust Barometer
[slideshare id=16086761&doc=2013edelmantrustbarometerglobaldeckfinal-130120160838-phpapp02]
For more presentations by Edelman, you can check their SlideShare.
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About Eddy Hagen 142 Articles
The printing industry has changed significantly over the last few decades. And that change isn't over yet. Eddy Hagen has been observing all these changes from a front row seat, since 1988. He has seen and debunked hypes that still don't deliver. He has seen and promoted small evolutions that had a big impact. He has connected the dots to get a better view. He is an independent mind who might be able to give you unique insights in the world of print and innovation.

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